With one of our most successful medal hauls in Australia's Olympic history, in the last days of the Olympics many Australians were willing our Golfers home for a medal. While not successful, they certainly have inspired many. I was reminded again of Hannah Green's performance in the women's final round (just missing out on a Bronze Medal) by a message on a local primary school notice board
"Life is not about how fast you run or how high you climb, but how well you bounce." - Vivian Komori.
This quote certainly typifies Hannah Green's performance in the women's Golf finals where she said, "Whatever you do, make sure you're enjoying yourself and I think that's why I played better on the back nine because I looked at the bigger picture and saw where I was - playing in the Olympics for my first time", this was her bounce. All our Olympians will have had to keep bouncing back at some stage in their careers.
We may not be playing at the Olympics but maybe now is the time to take stock of the good things we have, don't focus on what we can't control but enjoy this amazing weather, the opportunity to play a game of Golf, maybe it's just a walk around the local block, watching a movie that makes us laugh or playing a board game, make the most of what we have and let's get our bounce back skills in place for when things return to normal.
Remember it's all about the bounce!
Check out Golf Australia's full story on Hannah Green's Olympic Medal bid here.