This month, we have celebrated two 80th birthdays. Congratulations to Gai Welsh and Georgina Wong, who have received a birthday cake each and the best wishes from the Lady Members.
Veteran's fees are now due for 2022. If you haven't paid by the end of February, you will be unfinancial and therefore unable to participate in any of the North Ryde, VWGA of NSW or Mixed Veterans events. The next VWGA Event is at The Coast Golf Club on Tuesday 22 March, a 2BBB Stableford, cost $42, entries close 1 March. Entry forms in our folder in the locker room. The Coast is an interesting course and the scenery is delightful.
The Thursday 9 hole competition is well supported with approx. 30 ladies entering each week. Any new Lady Member or a transfer from another club wishing to join the Lady Veterans please see Cheryl Ward, Adele Sloane, Judy Pengelly or me for further information.
Good golfing
Marlene Peters - Delegate