This is an early reminder to all Vets of our forthcoming AGM Golf Day on 23rd May. Details are that it will be a Shot Gun start at 8am and upon conclusion of the round, members will meet in the Auditorium for an approximate 12.30pm start of the AGM. We would like to see as many members as possible attending our AGM, as it is your opportunity to speak up should you have any complaints or suggestions as to how the Vets is, or should be conducted. It is the Committee's commitment to provide members with an enjoyable round of golf each and every time we play. Your input will assist us in achieving that goal.
During the AGM, we will be presenting the plaques to the 2021 Veterans Championship winners. Winners' names are Roy Shuttleworth, Per Wallen, Murray Ironfield, Peter Martin, Nilesh Patel and Charles Kinder. It would be wonderful if all could attend the meeting to accept your plaque.
After the meeting, members will return to the Half-Way Bar for the usual BBQ Sausage Sizzle. The total cost for the day will be $20 which will cover the golf, BBQ and 2 free drinks of beer, wine or soft drink.
We can advise that all members of the current Committee will be standing for re-election. Notwithstanding that, should any person interested in nominating for a position on the Committee, please advise any member of the Committee accordingly. We are seeking a replacement following the sad passing of our Chairman, Charles Titmuss last year. Charles Kinder is currently our Acting Chairman who is willing to stand for the position, and a vote will be conducted to elect our new Chairman during the AGM. The position of the new member of the Committee will be as a support to the other elected Members.
Nomination forms are available from the Committee or the Club office. Nominations will be open from 5.00 pm, Monday, 2nd May 2022 and completed forms must be delivered to, and acknowledged by, the General Manager before 5.00pm on Sunday, 22nd May 2022. Late Nominations cannot be accepted.
It is pleasing to advise that the Committee has now completed the list of Vets Grade Championship winners from 1999 to 2016. Members will recall that from 2017 we dispensed with our 4 Grades and replaced these with Divisions 1, 2 and 3. Winners for the 2021 year will also be added. We sincerely regret the fact that your existing Committee and previous Committees overlooked this omission for so long. We will advise members when the Honour Board has been completed and is on display.
Scott Beatty - Captain