The year has, in many ways, flown past and for the first time in some years it really feels festive this month. Perhaps it is because Christmas Day is on a Sunday; perhaps it is because we have settled into the new normal; or perhaps it is because Alex, Ross, Steve and Gordo have taken the unprecedented step to have a fourth Hams' Raffle tonight. Go up and wish them well from 5:30pm - they work tirelessly to provide you with a community spirit and raise funds for Legacy in doing so.
This year saw the 3rd wave of that thing I don't like talking about, and the wettest period in living memory with our Course closed for 73 days. As you settle into your Festive Season, spare a thought and maybe a penny for those not going so well around NSW, Australia and the World with floods, fires and war.
Your Club has continued to flourish, despite the headwinds, and we are privileged to enjoy one of the best presented courses which is in magnificent condition - thank you to the Course Staff and special thanks to Dean Lenertz who stepped in for Ron Duffy as he moved towards retirement. Dean will formally become Club Superintendent on 1 January.
We wish Graham Dale all the very best as he prepares to retire on March 3 and Anthony Ryan has already shown your Board that he has all the skills necessary to succeed in his new General Manager role, starting 1 February. Thanks to the Bar and Catering Teams for their hard work during trying times.
Thanks also to Marty and the Pro Shop team, who have had one of the busiest Decembers ever and always have a smile and warm welcome to our Club.
To my Team; Glenn Woodley (Captain), Alex Cicchini (Vice President), Ben Brown (Vice Captain), Henk van Diggele (Chairman FTAA), Steve Callaghan, Ann Conway, Ross Donaldson and Greg Sheaves; thank you for your leadership, courage and commitment without which our Club would not be what it is.
On a personal note, I would like to thank Members for their patronage, kind words and support over the year - it makes a difference.
Wishing you all a wonderful Festive Season and a bright and prosperous New Year. Look after each other, stay safe, and I look forward to sharing your Fairway soon!
Mark Mathieson - President