Firstly, I would like to formally welcome Anthony Ryan and Dean Lenertz into their new roles of General Manager and Course Superintendent. I am sure you will all join me in wishing them well.
Our Finances have recovered to a strong and sustainable position that allows the continued investment in the course and club. Over the past 2 years we have invested heavily, and this shows in the presentation of our Course, new equipment and upgraded facilities. We have also been able to keep price increases of membership and bar prices below the current rate of inflation.
However, this success brings with it an impact, and the current excessive utilisation of our course is not sustainable. Your Board will, as one of its most important objectives, ensure that our course is utilised sustainably and can environmentally thrive in future years.
There have been many questions about plans for the Sports Bar and Balcony. Despite any rumours to the contrary, neither project has been approved by Your Board. We await more detailed costings and finalisation of the proposals, and once received, will share relevant details with Members. Again, long-term sustainability and improved Member facilities will guide Your Board's final decisions.
Members will shortly be invited to partake in a new program to become a Woodie, GreenTeem or Junior Volunteer - stay tuned to the 19th News for more information.
Thank you for taking the time to complete the Survey, which had a high response rate. Overwhelmingly, Members are happy at the Club, however I would like to briefly respond to several points:
- The Saturday Competition numbers have reduced slightly because of the introduction of 5-Day Memberships, but getting a spot is still difficult at times. If you have repeatedly missed out, please contact the Office and a guaranteed spot will be made available.
- Five day membership has been introduced to free up spots on Saturday for working members who cannot play during the week. Therefore movement from 7-Day to 5-Day Membership (e.g. those who don't ordinarily play on a Saturday) will not occur in the short-term, until the above problem is better understood and resolved.
- The Saturday Competition is not only for male members. Anyone who is a "Full Playing Member", including women can play on Saturday. The World Handicapping system allows anyone to play from any Tee and their Handicap is adjusted accordingly. The old rule that there had to be more than one woman in a group has not applied for many years.
- The $20 Friday Fee is being reviewed, however this was put in place to reduce the number of Members playing on a Friday and this imperative remains. Friday is what keeps our Membership Fees affordable and losing public revenue will drive fees up considerably.
- The 8th Tee retaining wall problem will be resolved in the coming weeks.
- Your Board continues to look for options for Women's Presentations on Tuesdays and a viable alternative has yet to be found.
Wishing you all a wonderful Autumn of Golf.
Look after each other, stay safe, and I look forward to sharing your Fairway soon!