Super Senior Pennants Thursday, 24 August we played at Asquith against Oatlands. It was a great day for golf. At the halfway point, we were leading in five games, square in one, and down in two. I'm thinking, "today is our day". However Oatlands played well on the back nine and our possible win ended up a draw, North Ryde 4 and Oatlands 4. Unfortunately, we lost three games on the last hole. The winners were Peter Richardson. Warren Clark, Stan Skala and Graham Onley.
Monday, 28 August the game was against Bayview at Roseville. The course was in good condition. Again, we were leading well at halfway but this time we went on to score a morale boosting 6-2 win! Great effort by the team. The winners were Geoff Rogerson, James Cheesman, Peter Richardson, Colin Moore and Graham Onley. John Yoo and David Hyland halved their games. Wish the Team all the best for our last game at Monash on Thursday, 7 September. Peter Richardson - Captain