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Friday 2 August 2024

President's Update

Your Board and Management have been busy over the past few weeks with some important decisions, and I know there is fair amount of interest, so provide an update below.

Mark Mathieson

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New Director

It was pleasing to see the quality and number of Members that expressed an interest in the vacant Board position, and there was a vigorous debate before your Board appointed Paul Kalina as the Club's newest Director. 

Many of you will know Paul, not only as a Member of 16 years, but also through his strong NRL ties as a Referee (of which he is a Life Member of the Referees’ Association) and Parramatta and Wests Tigers NRL clubs. Importantly, Paul brings a wealth of business experience after more than 30 years with the Australian Taxation Office. Please join me in welcoming Paul, and we look forward to him being part of your Board.

Catering Update

As has been communicated previously, following the expiry of the current catering contract with Dragon on the Green, your Board decided to go to Tender to evaluate available options. 

A specialist consulting Chef was engaged to provide professional advice prior to and during the tender process, which included the preparation of a thorough and unbiased assessment on our current operation, providing a pathway for future opportunities across all areas of our food delivery.  The scope of the assessment included food-safety systems, equipment efficiency, kitchen design, potential future food style, equipment opportunities, service flow systems and related ideas. 

The Tender received a large number of enquiries and over 25 formal Expressions of Interest. The intial list of respondees was reduced to a manageable list based on the information provided in their submissions. A selection of members, including three current Board members were asked to undertake reviews of this initial shortlist, as anonymous diners. From these reviews, a final shortlist has been recommended to your Board and a decision will be announced to Members on 14 August.

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75th Anniversary

This year's Commemoration is especially important as it marks the Club's 75th Birthday. 

To celebrate, on Saturday 24 August we are putting on a memorable night, featuring tribute band FABBA, playing all of ABBA's hits and more!  FABBA is a fantastic band and puts on an excellent two hour show - so dress-up and dance the night away. Click here for more information on FABBA. 

The night includes dancing with FABBA followed by a DJ until late, 3-course meal, house drinks from 6pm until 10:30pm, all for just $80, or $750 for a table of 10. Don't delay booking as tickets are already selling fast!

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North Ryde Golf Club
Twin Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113

P: (02) 9887 4422
E: office@northrydegolfclub.com.au


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