Catering UpdateAs has been communicated previously, following the expiry of the current catering contract with Dragon on the Green, your Board decided to go to Tender to evaluate available options. A specialist consulting Chef was engaged to provide professional advice prior to and during the tender process, which included the preparation of a thorough and unbiased assessment on our current operation, providing a pathway for future opportunities across all areas of our food delivery. The scope of the assessment included food-safety systems, equipment efficiency, kitchen design, potential future food style, equipment opportunities, service flow systems and related ideas. The Tender received a large number of enquiries and over 25 formal Expressions of Interest. The intial list of respondees was reduced to a manageable list based on the information provided in their submissions. A selection of members, including three current Board members were asked to undertake reviews of this initial shortlist, as anonymous diners. From these reviews, a final shortlist has been recommended to your Board and a decision will be announced to Members on 14 August. |