President’s Christmas Message

Dear Members,
As another demanding year draws to a close, we look forward to celebrating this Saturday with the Club Person of the Year announcement and Christmas Dinner.

Yet again we have worked together to overcome many challenges over the past months and now hopefully can enjoy the return to some sort of normal life. 

Importantly, in this vein and in the best interests of the health and well-being of all Members, Staff and Guests, your Board has passed a By-law which restricts access to the Club unless fully-vaccinated (except for under 12’s or medical exemptions). Whilst we respect the rights of those whom choose not to be vaccinated, it is the unanimous view of your Board that we continue to protect the vast majority where we have the capacity to do so.  This restriction will be revisited at least monthly but for now, non-vaccinated patrons, until at least the 31 January 2022, be subject to the following restrictions:

  • No access to the Clubhouse or any part of its Licensed Premises;
  • Not able to play in Social Timeslots; and
  • Restricted to playing in pairs in selected Competition Timeslots.

This year your Board has continued to reinvest in the future of the club.  In addition to the relocation of the practice nets and 18th green re-build (well underway), we have commenced on a complete upgrade of the power consumption of the Club by replacing the air-conditioning, installing LED lights and solar panels.

We look forward to initiating other improvements and upgrades to the Club in the ensuing years.  Through the offset of public green fees and other revenue streams, your Board seeks to maintain the best value-for-money membership proposition by keeping subscription increases at reasonable and sustainable levels. 

Following considered feedback, your Board has returned the “House Levy” to the $200 rate and imposed small increases ($50-$80) across the Annual Subscription Membership Categories. In keeping with our Strategic “user pays” model initiated this year, from 1 March, an additional $1 per Competition round will be charged. As noted previously, these funds go directly to the bottom line and assist in the financial stability and future projects of the Club.

Thank you for your loyalty, support and encouragement during the past year. On behalf of your Board and Staff may I wish you, your family and friends a safe and merry Christmas and looking forward to seeing you all in the New Year.

Yours sincerely, Mark Mathieson – President

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