Golf Report

Course Conditions: Unfortunately there is a feeling of “Groundhog Day” with continued rain.  Normally the 24mm received over the last four days is an annoyance with interrupted play.  At present this is enough to force us closed, again!

At the time of writing, the skies are becoming clear but there is more rain forecast over the weekend.  While we must rely on the bureau of meteorology and give you the opportunity to plan your days and golf, we will still check daily on course conditions and update on the website – hopefully to open.  We do thank you for your patience and while it will be of little consolation, North Ryde is fairing better than many other courses. 

With Spring and longer days drawing closer, the “light at the end of the corridor” are warmer days and accompanying winds which will help dry out our sodden course.

Ball Allocation ChangesWhen the weather again permits play, you may notice the amount of balls being awarded each competition has changed.  From the competition fee you pay, an amount is attributed to the future projects levy, costs of administration and prizes. 

The administration fee is a fixed cost which is known at the start of the year and it’s recovery is determined based on the anticipated number of competitions to be held during the year.  This is the most equitable way to spread the costs of golf administration which in any other year is not an issue. 

Unfortunately another legacy of too much wet weather is the reduction in the number of competitions we have been able to host which means there is less of a pool to cover the fixed administration costs and hence there is a reduction of balls awarded as prizes.

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